Help for Internet Service Troubles

From time to time your Internet service appears to be frozen and you have no access to the Internet.  Often this is caused by your modem being in an odd state and it needs to be restarted.

Phone calls, emails and texts to me about this is a very common occurrence.  While I love to be helpful, I thought it would be more efficient for my clients and me to post a web page explaining how to restart modems.

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OS X 10.9 Mavericks is here! Part 1 - how to install Mavericks


Last month Apple released a new operating system for iPhones and iPads (iOS 7).  On the heels of that, last week Apple released a new operating system for Macs.  It is known as OS X 10.9 Mavericks.  It is the first version of OS X that is not named for a big cat; instead, it is named for a famous surfing beach in California. Bigger news than that is that it is FREE!

This blog will provide instructions for properly installing Mavericks.

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